Which represents a correct match between ideas related to the formation of the universe? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)


greatest percent of mass of universe — dark matter
greatest percent of mass of universe — dark matter

structures forming in the early universe — dark matter
structures forming in the early universe — dark matter

accelerating expansion — dark energy
accelerating expansion — dark energy

glowing nebulae — dark energy

accelerating expansion — dark energy

The two correct matches between ideas related to the formation of the universe are:

1. Greatest percent of mass of the universe: Dark matter
2. Accelerating expansion: Dark energy

The correct matches between ideas related to the formation of the universe are:

1. Greatest percent of mass of the universe — dark matter: Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light. It is believed to make up a significant portion of the total mass of the universe, even though it cannot be directly observed.

2. Accelerating expansion — dark energy: Dark energy is a theoretical form of energy that is thought to be responsible for the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. It is believed to make up a substantial part of the total energy density of the universe.

Therefore, the correct answers are:

- Greatest percent of mass of the universe — dark matter
- Accelerating expansion — dark energy