Identify the type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face.(1 point)

The type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face is a Caucus.

The type of election that determines which candidate will be the nominee of their party and requires party members to meet face-to-face is known as a "caucus."

The type of election you are referring to is called a "primary election" or simply a "primary." In a primary election, party members gather and cast their votes for the candidate they wish to be the nominee for their party in the general election. This election typically requires party members to meet face-to-face at designated polling stations to participate.

To determine this information, you can start by researching the different types of elections and their characteristics. Primary elections are often mentioned in political discussions and news coverage, so looking up recent news articles or resources related to elections can provide valuable insights.

Common sources for this information include:

1. Government Websites: Many government websites, particularly those of the agency responsible for overseeing elections, provide detailed information about different types of elections, including primaries.

2. Political Party Websites: Official websites of political parties often have dedicated sections explaining their internal election processes, including primaries.

3. News Sources: Reputable news outlets frequently cover primary elections in their reporting. Searching for news articles or analysis on primary elections can provide useful context and explanations.

Remember that identifying the type of election based on specific criteria like requiring face-to-face interactions may also require cross-referencing multiple sources to obtain accurate and up-to-date information.