3 square root 21 + 7 square root 21

The expression can be simplified by combining like terms:

3√21 + 7√21 = (3+7)√21 = 10√21.

To simplify the expression 3√21 + 7√21, we can combine the like terms, which are the terms with the same radical.

The terms 3√21 and 7√21 both have the same radical (√21), so we can add their coefficients (the numbers in front of the radical):

3√21 + 7√21 = (3 + 7)√21

Simplifying further:

= 10√21

Therefore, 3√21 + 7√21 simplifies to 10√21.

To simplify the expression 3√21 + 7√21, we can combine the like terms. Both terms have a coefficient of square root 21, so we can add the coefficients together.

3√21 + 7√21 = (3 + 7)√21 = 10√21

Therefore, the simplified expression is 10√21.