A movie you are watching shows a woman jogging in the woods. The next scene

shows a mountain lion lying in wait down the path where the woman is jogging.
a. Verbal Irony
b. Situational Irony
c. Dramatic Irony

c. Dramatic Irony

c. Dramatic Irony

To determine the type of irony being depicted in this movie scene, we need to understand the different types of irony and then analyze the given scenario.

a. Verbal Irony: This occurs when someone says something that is the opposite of what they actually mean. It often involves sarcasm or a play on words. For example, if someone says "What a beautiful day!" during a thunderstorm, it can be considered verbal irony.

b. Situational Irony: This refers to a situation where the outcome is contrary to what was expected. It involves a discrepancy between what is anticipated and what actually happens. For instance, if a firefighter's house catches fire, it would be considered situational irony.

c. Dramatic Irony: This type of irony occurs when the audience or reader knows something that the characters in the story do not. It creates tension and suspense. For example, if the audience knows that the woman is being followed by a mountain lion, but she is unaware, it would be considered dramatic irony.

In this scenario, the correct answer is c. Dramatic Irony. The audience is aware of the danger lurking in the woods (the mountain lion), but the woman jogging is unaware. This creates suspense and engages the audience by building anticipation for what might happen next.