You work all afternoon cooking a fancy dinner for your boyfriend. When he takes his

first bite, he spits it out into his napkin without you seeing and says to you, "Oh Sweetie,
this is wonderful!"
a. Verbal Irony
b. Situational Irony
c. Dramatic Irony

b. Situational Irony

b. Situational Irony

b. Situational Irony

To understand why this situation is an example of situational irony, we need to understand the concept of irony. Irony refers to a situation where there is a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.

In this scenario, the boyfriend's statement of "Oh Sweetie, this is wonderful!" is ironic because it contradicts his actual reaction of spitting out the food. The expectation is that when someone enjoys a meal that has been prepared for them, they would eat it and express genuine satisfaction. However, in this case, the boyfriend's action of spitting out the food indicates that he did not find it enjoyable, which is different from what his verbal response suggests.

Therefore, the situation is an example of situational irony because there is a contrast between the boyfriend's words and his actual reaction to the meal.