Square root 31 + square root 31

The sum of the square root of 31 and the square root of 31 can be simplified as follows:

√31 + √31 = 2√31

To simplify the expression, "square root 31 + square root 31," we can combine the like terms. The square root of 31 cannot be simplified further as it is not a perfect square. So the result would be:

√31 + √31 = 2√31

Therefore, "square root 31 + square root 31" simplifies to "2 times the square root of 31" or "2√31."

To find the sum of two square roots, such as √31 + √31, we can combine them if they have the same radicand (the number under the square root symbol). In this case, both square roots have a radicand of 31.

√31 + √31 = 2√31

So the simplified form of the expression √31 + √31 is 2√31.