What was the impact of the invention of the printing press?(1 point) Responses The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials more accessible. The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials more accessible. The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials more expensive. The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials more expensive. The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials less accessible. The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials less accessible. The printing press made printing books and papers much slower. This made printed materials less accessible. The printing press made printing books and papers much slower. This made printed materials less accessible.

The correct answer is: The printing press made printing books and papers much quicker and easier. This made printed materials more accessible.

The impact of the invention of the printing press was that it made printing books and papers much quicker and easier, making printed materials more accessible.

The correct impact of the invention of the printing press is that it made printing books and papers much quicker and easier, which in turn made printed materials more accessible. This is because before the printing press was invented, books had to be hand-written, which was a slow and laborious process. With the printing press, multiple copies of a book or paper could be printed at once, significantly increasing the speed and efficiency of printing. As a result, books became more affordable and widely available to the general population, leading to increased literacy rates and the spread of knowledge and ideas.