What year was George Washington born?

George Washington was born in 1732.

George Washington was born in the year 1732.

George Washington was born in the year 1732. To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. In the search bar, type "George Washington birth year" or a similar phrase.
3. Press Enter or tap the search button to view the search results.
4. Look for reliable sources such as historical websites, encyclopedias, or official government websites.
5. Click on a reputable source that provides accurate historical information.
6. Scan the webpage for details about George Washington's birth year.
7. Once you find the birth year (1732), you can verify it by visiting multiple sources and cross-checking the information.

Remember, it is always important to gather information from credible sources and verify facts.