In the middle ages, common people were treated by ___________

1 point


In the middle ages, common people were treated by barbers.

In the Middle Ages, common people were commonly treated by barbers.

To arrive at this answer, we can use the process of elimination. Let's examine each option:

1. Physicians: While physicians did exist in the Middle Ages, their services were typically only available to the wealthy nobility or clergy. Commoners did not have easy access to physicians due to the high cost and limited availability.

2. Nurses: The role of nurses as we understand it today did not exist in the same organized manner during the Middle Ages. There were individuals who provided basic care and medical assistance, but it was often done within households or religious institutions, rather than as a profession accessible to common people.

3. Students: During the Middle Ages, medical education was primarily centered around universities and religious institutions. Students who were learning the medical arts were not yet considered professionals and would not have been the primary healthcare providers for common people.

Thus, after eliminating the above options, we can conclude that barbers were the common healthcare providers for the common people in the Middle Ages. Barbers not only performed haircuts and grooming tasks but were also responsible for tasks such as bloodletting, minor surgery, and extracting teeth. They were the accessible and affordable option for commoners seeking medical treatment during that time period.