What century did anesthetics begin to be used on patients?

1 point

The correct answer is 1800's.

Anesthetics began to be used on patients in the 1800's.

To find out what century anesthetics began to be used on patients, we can start by examining each option provided.

Option 1: 1900's
This option refers to the 20th century. We can eliminate it as a possibility because anesthetics were being used on patients before that time.

Option 2: 1800's
This option refers to the 19th century. It is a potential candidate because the 19th century saw significant advancements in medical practices.

Option 3: 1700's
This option refers to the 18th century. It is unlikely to be the correct answer since medical knowledge and techniques were not advanced enough during that time to administer anesthetics.

Option 4: 1600's
This option refers to the 17th century. Similar to the previous option, using anesthetics on patients during the 17th century was highly unlikely due to the lack of technology and understanding of anesthesia.

Based on the analysis of the options, the most likely answer is the 1800's (19th century). However, to confirm this, further investigation or research may be required.