Determine a conclusion for each of the following statements. If you are able to draw a conclusion, state the law of logic used. 1) if the power goes out, then the lights will turn off 2) If the lights turn off, then it will be dark. (Single Choice)"

Law of Syllogism

Law of Detachment

1) If the power goes out, then the lights will turn off.

Conclusion: If the power goes out, then it will be dark.

2) If the lights turn off, then it will be dark.
Conclusion: If the power goes out, then it will be dark.

In both cases, the conclusion is drawn using the Law of Syllogism.

1) If the power goes out, then the lights will turn off.

2) If the lights turn off, then it will be dark.

Using the Law of Syllogism, we can draw the conclusion:
3) If the power goes out, then it will be dark.

Using the Law of Detachment, we can also draw the conclusion:
4) If the power goes out, then it will be dark.

To determine the conclusion for each statement, we can apply the laws of logic mentioned.

1) If the power goes out, then the lights will turn off.

Since this statement follows the format "If A, then B," we can apply the Law of Detachment. The Law of Detachment states that if a conditional statement (if-then statement) is true and the hypothesis (the if-part) is true, then the conclusion (the then-part) is also true.

In this case, if the power goes out (A) and the statement is true, then the conclusion is that the lights will turn off (B).

Conclusion: If the power goes out, the lights will turn off.

2) If the lights turn off, then it will be dark.

Similar to the previous statement, this statement is also a conditional statement. Again, we can apply the Law of Detachment.

If the lights turn off (A) and the statement is true, then the conclusion is that it will be dark (B).

Conclusion: If the lights turn off, it will be dark.

In summary, the conclusions for the given statements are:

1) If the power goes out, the lights will turn off. (Law of Detachment)
2) If the lights turn off, it will be dark. (Law of Detachment)