Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent? (1 point)


A plant growing from a seed.
A plant growing from a seed.

A bird laying an egg.
A bird laying an egg.

A bacterium splitting in two.
A bacterium splitting in two.

A tree growing from the stump of another tre


A tree growing from the stump of another tree.

A bacterium splitting in two.

The process that would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent is A bacterium splitting in two.

Explanation: Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, where a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. During this process, the genetic material of the parent bacterium is duplicated and then evenly distributed between the two daughter cells. As a result, the offspring produced through binary fission have the same genetic information as the parent bacterium. Therefore, A bacterium splitting in two is the correct answer.