A teenager moves to a new neighborhood that has a strong sense of place identity. In a call with a friend, the teenager is asked to describe their new neighborhood. In 1–2 sentences assess the types of characteristics the teenager might use to describe the neighborhood’s place identity.

The teenager might use characteristics such as distinct architectural styles, local landmarks, unique cultural traditions, community involvement, and a strong sense of pride and belonging among residents to describe the neighborhood's place identity.

To assess the types of characteristics the teenager might use to describe their new neighborhood's place identity, they could consider elements such as the physical environment (e.g., natural features, architecture), cultural attributes (e.g., local traditions, events), social connections (e.g., community organizations, neighborhood relationships), historical significance, and the overall vibe or atmosphere of the area. The teenager may also want to observe and interact with the local residents to gain a deeper understanding of the neighborhood's place identity.