Which of the following would properly create a new student?%0D%0A%0D%0Aclass Student:%0D%0A def __init__(self, name, gpa, grade):%0D%0A self.name = name%0D%0A self.gpa = gpa%0D%0A self.grade = grade%0D%0A(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0As1 = Student(“Jorge”, 3.4, 12)%0D%0As1 = Student(“Jorge”, 3.4, 12)%0D%0A%0D%0As1 = Student(3.4, “Jorge”, 12)%0D%0As1 = Student(3.4, “Jorge”, 12)%0D%0A%0D%0As1 = Student(self,“Jorge”, 3.4, 12)%0D%0As1 = Student(self,“Jorge”, 3.4, 12)%0D%0A%0D%0As1 = Student( “Jorge”, 12)

s1 = Student("Jorge", 3.4, 12)

The correct way to create a new student object is:

s1 = Student("Jorge", 3.4, 12)

To properly create a new student using the given class definition, you need to pass the required arguments (name, gpa, grade) in the correct order. Based on the available options:

s1 = Student(“Jorge”, 3.4, 12)

This option creates a new student object by passing the arguments "Jorge" for the name, 3.4 for the GPA, and 12 for the grade. This is the correct way to create a new student using the given class definition.