A hair stylist can do 16 haircuts in 1 day. How many haircuts can he do in 13 days?

To find out how many haircuts the stylist can do in 13 days, we simply multiply the number of haircuts the stylist can do in 1 day by the number of days.

Number of haircuts in 13 days = 16 haircuts/day * 13 days = 208 haircuts.

To find out how many haircuts the hair stylist can do in 13 days, you can multiply the number of haircuts done in one day (16) by the number of days (13).

16 haircuts/day × 13 days = 208 haircuts

Therefore, the hair stylist can do 208 haircuts in 13 days.

To calculate the number of haircuts the stylist can do in 13 days, you can multiply the number of haircuts the stylist can do in a single day by the number of days.

In this case, the stylist can do 16 haircuts in 1 day. So to find out how many haircuts the stylist can do in 13 days, you can use the following formula:

Number of haircuts in 13 days = Number of haircuts in 1 day * Number of days

Plugging in the values, we have:

Number of haircuts in 13 days = 16 haircuts/day * 13 days

To solve this, we'll multiply 16 by 13:

Number of haircuts in 13 days = 16 * 13 = 208 haircuts

Therefore, the stylist can do 208 haircuts in 13 days.