Use the distributive property to remove the parentheses.

3(w - 11)

3 * w - 3 * 11 = 3w - 33

To remove the parentheses using the distributive property, you need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by the number outside the parentheses.

In this case, you have 3 multiplied by the expression (w - 11).

To distribute the 3, you multiply 3 by w and then by -11:

3w - 3 * 11

Simplifying, you get:

3w - 33

So, after removing the parentheses using the distributive property, the expression becomes 3w - 33.

To remove the parentheses using the distributive property, you need to distribute or multiply each term inside the parentheses by the term outside the parentheses. In this case, you want to distribute 3 to the terms inside the parentheses which are (w - 11).

To do this, you multiply 3 by each term inside the parentheses.

First, multiply 3 by w:
3 * w = 3w

Second, multiply 3 by -11:
3 * -11 = -33

So, when you distribute 3 to the terms inside the parentheses, you get:
3(w - 11) = 3w - 33

Therefore, using the distributive property, the expression 3(w - 11) can be simplified to 3w - 33.