Charles works regularly 45 hours a week. Last week he worked 17 hours overtime. How many hours did he work?

To calculate the total number of hours Charles worked, add his regular hours to his overtime hours: 45 hours + 17 hours = <<45+17=62>>62 hours. Answer: \boxed{62}.

To determine how many hours Charles worked, you need to add his regular working hours to the overtime hours.

Step 1: Add the regular working hours to the overtime hours.

Regular working hours = 45 hours
Overtime hours = 17 hours

Total hours worked = Regular working hours + Overtime hours

Total hours worked = 45 hours + 17 hours

Total hours worked = 62 hours

Therefore, Charles worked a total of 62 hours last week.

To find out how many hours Charles worked in total, we need to add his regular working hours with the overtime hours.

First, we start by adding his regular hours of work:
Regular working hours = 45 hours per week

Next, we add the overtime hours he worked:
Overtime hours = 17 hours

Now, let's calculate the total hours worked:
Total hours worked = Regular working hours + Overtime hours
Total hours worked = 45 hours + 17 hours

By adding 45 and 17, we find that Charles worked a total of 62 hours last week.