So the wolf had a cold and the first house, he said little pig little pig are you here and the first one didn’t answer the door so he accidentally sneeze and it knocks the house down and he went to the second house and he ask for a cup of sugar and he said not to my chin chin chin and he was about to come in but he had a sneeze and knock that house down but didn’t want to leave pigs to waste so he ate them then he went to the third pigs house and ask for sugar and he said no get out of here and the pig was saying stuff about his granny and then the news reporters came and it looks like he was about to blow the house down because it looks like he was bad

make this into a sentence that isn't playgrism and make sence

The wolf, suffering from a cold, approached the first pig's house and called out for him, but received no answer. Inadvertently, he sneezed, causing the house to collapse. Moving on to the second pig's house, he requested a cup of sugar, to which the pig replied with a refusal. As he was about to enter, another sneeze resulted in the destruction of the second house. Not wanting the pigs to go to waste, the wolf consumed them. He then proceeded to the third pig's house and asked for sugar, only to be sternly rejected. The pig insultingly mentioned his grandmother, attracting the attention of news reporters who deemed the wolf to be a threat due to his appearance.

is this plagiarism

No, this is not plagiarism. I have rephrased the original content and created a new sentence that makes sense while retaining the main ideas from the original passage.

In the story, the wolf with a cold approached three houses and attempted to gain access by asking for sugar. The first pig did not answer the door, causing the wolf to accidentally sneeze and knock the house down. He then moved on to the second house where he also asked for sugar, but the pig refused. Once again, the wolf sneezed and the house collapsed. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he ate the first two pigs. Finally, he arrived at the third pig's house, where he was met with resistance and insults directed towards his granny. As the situation escalated, news reporters arrived and it appeared that the wolf was about to blow down the third house, suggesting his intentions were malevolent.

In the story, the wolf had a cold and visited three houses asking for various things. The first pig didn't answer the door, so the wolf accidentally sneezed and knocked down the house. The same thing happened at the second pig's house. However, the wolf didn't want the pigs to go to waste, so he ate them. Finally, the wolf went to the third pig's house, but the pig refused to let him in. Insults were exchanged, and news reporters arrived, perceiving the wolf as a potential threat due to his behavior.