Candy bars cost $0.65 each. How much will 6 candy bars cost?

The cost of 6 candy bars will be $3.90.

To calculate how much 6 candy bars will cost, you can multiply the price per candy bar by the number of candy bars.

Price per candy bar: $0.65
Number of candy bars: 6

To find the total cost of 6 candy bars, multiply the price per candy bar by the number of candy bars:

Total cost = Price per candy bar × Number of candy bars

Total cost = $0.65 × 6

Total cost = $3.90

Therefore, 6 candy bars will cost $3.90.

To find out how much 6 candy bars will cost, you can multiply the cost of one candy bar by the number of candy bars.

In this case, one candy bar costs $0.65.

To calculate the total cost of 6 candy bars, you can multiply $0.65 by 6:

$0.65 * 6 = $3.90

Therefore, 6 candy bars will cost $3.90.