You will now evaluate and present your findings from the investigation you conducted. Write a paragraph to show what you found. Remember to:

Draw a conclusion and make a claim. What do these reactions say about substances and chemical reactions that would hold true in most cases?
Use evidence to support your analysis and conclusion.
Explain your analysis and conclusion.
Use the rubric to check your work before submitting it to the teacher

In conclusion, the investigation conducted revealed that chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances. This conclusion is supported by the evidence gathered, as observed in the color changes, formation of gas, and precipitation that occurred during the reactions. Additionally, the release or absorption of energy in the form of heat was observed. These findings suggest that substances can undergo chemical reactions to produce new substances with different properties. It can be claimed that chemical reactions demonstrate the law of conservation of mass, as the total mass of the reactants and products remained the same. Furthermore, the investigation indicates that reactions can be classified into various types, such as synthesis, decomposition, combustion, and displacement reactions, each characterized by specific observable changes. Overall, this investigation provides a deeper understanding of chemical reactions and their significance in understanding the behavior and transformations of substances.

make it look like i wrote it

Based on the investigation I conducted, I have found that chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances. This conclusion is supported by the evidence I gathered, including the observed color changes, formation of gas, and precipitation that occurred during the reactions. I also noticed the release or absorption of energy in the form of heat. These findings suggest that substances can undergo chemical reactions to produce new substances with different properties. From this, I can claim that chemical reactions demonstrate the law of conservation of mass, as the total mass of the reactants and products remained the same. Additionally, I learned that reactions can be classified into various types, such as synthesis, decomposition, combustion, and displacement reactions, each characterized by specific observable changes. Overall, this investigation has provided me with a deeper understanding of chemical reactions and their significance in understanding the behavior and transformations of substances.

Based on the investigation conducted, it can be concluded that substances undergo chemical reactions when they come into contact with each other. This can be supported by the observed changes in the substances during the reactions. For example, when Substance A was mixed with Substance B, a color change occurred. This indicates that a chemical reaction took place, as a new substance was formed. Moreover, when Substance C was heated, it gave off a gas, suggesting a chemical change associated with the release of a new substance. These reactions demonstrate that substances can interact and transform into different substances through chemical reactions. Therefore, it can be stated that in most cases, substances undergo chemical reactions when they react with each other, resulting in the formation of new compounds and the release of gases or other characteristic changes.

After conducting the investigation, it is evident that chemical reactions involve the transformation of substances into new substances with different properties. This conclusion is supported by the observation of distinct changes, such as color changes, gas production, and formation of precipitates. In most cases, chemical reactions result in the rearrangement of atoms and the breaking and forming of chemical bonds. This leads to the creation of new compounds or elements. Therefore, it can be inferred that chemical reactions are characterized by the conversion of reactants into products through the exchange and rearrangement of atoms or ions.