add 2 square root 21 + 3 square root 21

10 square root 21
10 square root 42
square root 52
square root 24 + square root 28

2 square root 21 + 3 square root 21 = 5 square root 21

10 square root 21 + 10 square root 42 cannot be simplified further.

The simplified form of square root 52 is 2 square root 13.

The simplified form of square root 24 + square root 28 is 2 square root 6 + 2 square root 7.

To solve the expression "2√21 + 3√21", we can simplify it by combining like terms.

Step 1: First, we need to recognize that both terms have the same radical (√21) so, we can add their coefficients.

2√21 + 3√21 = (2 + 3)√21

Step 2: Now, we can simplify the coefficient of the radical.

(2 + 3)√21 = 5√21

The simplified expression is 5√21.


To solve the expression "√24 + √28", we can simplify it by finding the square root of the given numbers.

Step 1: Firstly, let's find the prime factorization of 24 and 28.

24 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 = 2^3 * 3
28 = 2 * 2 * 7 = 2^2 * 7

Step 2: Now, we can simplify the square roots.

√24 = √(2^3 * 3) = 2√3
√28 = √(2^2 * 7) = 2√7

Step 3: Finally, we can combine the simplified terms.

√24 + √28 = 2√3 + 2√7

The simplified expression is 2√3 + 2√7.

To simplify the expression "2√21 + 3√21," we first notice that both terms have the same radical (√21). Therefore, we can combine the coefficients in front of the radical.

Step 1: Combine the coefficients of the radicals.
2√21 + 3√21 = (2 + 3)√21 = 5√21

The simplified form of the expression "2√21 + 3√21" is 5√21.

Now, let's simplify the other expressions you mentioned.

1. 10√21:
There are no like terms to combine, so this expression is already simplified.

2. 10√42:
We need to determine if the radical can be simplified. To do that, let's find the prime factors of the number inside the radical:

42 = 2 * 3 * 7

Since there are no perfect square factors (like 4 or 9) within those prime factors, we cannot simplify the radical further. Therefore, the expression 10√42 is already simplified.

3. √52:
Let's find the prime factors of 52:

52 = 2 * 2 * 13

We can simplify the radical by taking out any perfect square factors:
√52 = √(2 * 2 * 13) = 2√13

The simplified form of the expression √52 is 2√13.

4. √24 + √28:
Let's find the prime factors of 24 and 28:

24 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3
28 = 2 * 2 * 7

We can simplify the radicals by taking out any perfect square factors:
√24 = √(2 * 2 * 2 * 3) = 2√6
√28 = √(2 * 2 * 7) = 2√7

So, the simplified form of the expression √24 + √28 is 2√6 + 2√7.