Which sentence could appear in a conclusion?(1 point)


Is booking your vacation online the best way to save?
Is booking your vacation online the best way to save?

There are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers.
There are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers.

You should take care with your personal information on travel websites.
You should take care with your personal information on travel websites.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings.

The sentence that could appear in a conclusion is:

"Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings."

To determine this, we need to understand the purpose of a conclusion. A conclusion is the final paragraph in an essay or article that sums up the main points and provides a closing statement. It typically restates the thesis or main argument and leaves a final impression on the reader.

In this case, the other sentences provided are either presenting an inquiry ("Is booking your vacation online the best way to save?") or stating facts or advice related to online booking ("There are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers" and "You should take care with your personal information on travel websites"). While these sentences have useful information, they don't have the characteristic of a conclusion that wraps up the main points and provides a closing statement.