How can a free press hold the government accountable?

(1 point)

hosting opinion panels
hosting opinion panels

offering prior restraint
offering prior restraint

accessing classified information
accessing classified information

summarizing government actions
summarizing government actions


accessing classified information

Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

effects of new laws
effects of new laws

stock market reports
stock market reports

reports of world events
reports of world events

coverage of primary speeches
coverage of primary speeches

discussions of health problems
discussions of health problems

investigations of corporations

effects of new laws

coverage of primary speeches
investigations of corporations

Which news stories have the most direct influence on the political process? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

effects of new laws
effects of new laws

stock market reports
stock market reports

reports of world events
reports of world events

coverage of primary speeches
coverage of primary speeches

discussions of health problems
discussions of health problems

investigations of corporations


effects of new laws

coverage of primary speeches

The choice that best explains how a free press can hold the government accountable is: accessing classified information.

By having access to classified information, the press can uncover and report on government activities that may otherwise remain hidden from the public. This enables the press to examine and analyze government actions, in turn, holding the government accountable for its decisions and actions. This transparency helps to ensure that the government operates in a responsible and ethical manner.

The correct choice is "summarizing government actions." A free press plays a crucial role in holding the government accountable by summarizing and reporting on government actions to the general public. This involves journalists and news organizations observing and documenting the decisions, policies, and activities of the government, then providing accurate and unbiased summaries of these actions to the public. By doing so, the press acts as a watchdog, ensuring transparency and informing citizens about the actions of their government. This allows the public to stay informed, critically evaluate government actions, and hold officials accountable for their decisions and behaviors.