You are snow skiing down a mountain that is represented by the linear model y=–30x+6,000, where y is the number of feet after x seconds. Predict your elevation level in feet if you ski 60 seconds.


A After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.
B After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.

C After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 6,030 feet high.
D After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 6,030 feet high.

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 7,800 feet high.
After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 7,800 feet high.

After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 5,820 feet high.

To predict the elevation level after 60 seconds of skiing, we substitute x = 60 into the linear model:

y = -30(60) + 6,000
y = -1,800 + 6,000
y = 4,200

Therefore, after 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.

The correct answer is A: After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.

To predict your elevation level after 60 seconds of skiing, we can use the linear model y = -30x + 6,000, where y represents the number of feet and x represents the number of seconds.

So when x = 60 in the equation, we can substitute it in to find the elevation level after 60 seconds:

y = -30(60) + 6,000
y = -1,800 + 6,000
y = 4,200

Therefore, you will be 4,200 feet high after 60 seconds of skiing.

The correct response is A: After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.

To predict your elevation level after 60 seconds of skiing, you need to substitute the value of x (60) into the given linear model y = -30x + 6,000.

By substituting x = 60 into the equation, we get:

y = -30(60) + 6,000
y = -1,800 + 6,000
y = 4,200

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B After 60 seconds of skiing, you will be 4,200 feet high.