Which of the phone best describes how the national ordinance established a method for settlement select all apply it dedicated that new territories would become part of an existing state it provided a procedure whereby new States could become part of the United States it established laws that gave basic rights to settlers it ensured that new any native American living in the territory would become a citizen

The options that best describe how the national ordinance established a method for settlement are:

- It dedicated that new territories would become part of an existing state.
- It provided a procedure whereby new States could become part of the United States.
- It ensured that any native American living in the territory would become a citizen.

Of the options provided, the phone that best describes how the national ordinance established a method for settlement is:

- It provided a procedure whereby new States could become part of the United States.

This statement accurately reflects one of the main aspects of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

To determine which phone best describes the national ordinance that established a method for settlement, we need to examine the options and match them with the corresponding descriptions.

1. "It dedicated that new territories would become part of an existing state."
This statement is referring to the process of adding new territories to an existing state. It suggests that new territories would be incorporated into an established state, possibly through a formal dedication.

2. "It provided a procedure whereby new states could become part of the United States."
This statement suggests that the national ordinance established a procedure for new states to join the United States. It implies that there would be a prescribed process for admitting new states into the nation.

3. "It established laws that gave basic rights to settlers."
This statement indicates that the national ordinance enacted laws that granted fundamental rights to settlers. These rights were likely related to living in new territories and establishing homes and communities.

4. "It ensured that any Native American living in the territory would become a citizen."
This statement implies that the national ordinance incorporated provisions to ensure that Native Americans living in the territories would gain citizenship. This suggests a commitment to inclusive policies and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples.

Based on these descriptions, the phone that best captures all the aspects of the national ordinance is the option that includes statements 2, 3, and 4.