Which BEST describes how graphic design differs from traditional art?

(1 point)

It includes some of the visual arts.
It includes some of the visual arts.

It does not use the elements of design.
It does not use the elements of design.

It often includes words as well as images.
It often includes words as well as images.

It relies exclusively on traditional materials.

It relies exclusively on traditional materials.

It often includes words as well as images.

The correct answer is: "It often includes words as well as images."

To get the answer to this question, one needs to understand the difference between graphic design and traditional art.

Graphic design is a form of visual communication that combines elements of art and design to convey a specific message. It often focuses on creating visual concepts using typography, imagery, and color. Unlike traditional art, graphic design is often driven by a purpose or objective, such as advertising or branding.

On the other hand, traditional art typically refers to any form of visual expression that is created for aesthetic or artistic purposes. It can include paintings, drawings, sculptures, and other forms of artwork that are created using traditional materials and techniques.

Based on this understanding, we can see that the option "It often includes words as well as images" is the best description of how graphic design differs from traditional art. Graphic design often incorporates text and typography in conjunction with visual elements to effectively communicate a message or idea.