The temperature at the end of the day was 64 degrees. The temperature had increased twice during the day. once by 8 degrees and another time by 4 degrees.

Which expression shows what the temperature was at the start of the day?

(1 point)

64 - 8 - 4

64 + 8 - 4

64 - 8 + 4

O 78 + 5 + 7

The expression that shows what the temperature was at the start of the day is 64 - 8 - 4.

To find the temperature at the start of the day, we need to subtract the two increases from the temperature at the end of the day.

So the correct expression would be:

64 - 8 - 4

To find the expression that shows the temperature at the start of the day, we need to subtract the increases in temperature from the final temperature at the end of the day.

The first increase was 8 degrees, so we subtract 8 from the final temperature: 64 - 8.

Then, we have a second increase of 4 degrees, so we subtract that from the result of the first subtraction: (64 - 8) - 4.

Simplifying this expression gives us 64 - 8 - 4, which is the first option presented. Therefore, the expression that shows the temperature at the start of the day is:

64 - 8 - 4