If black spheres are carbon atoms, white spheres are hydrogen atoms, and red spheres are oxygen atoms, what is the molecular formula of butyric acid?

Express your answer as a chemical formula.

The molecular formula of butyric acid is C4H8O2.

The molecular formula of butyric acid is C4H8O2.

To determine the molecular formula of butyric acid, we need to know the number and arrangement of atoms within the molecule. Butyric acid is a carboxylic acid, which consists of a carboxyl group (COOH) attached to a hydrocarbon chain.

The hydrocarbon chain in butyric acid contains four carbon atoms. In a molecular formula, we represent carbon atoms with the symbol 'C,' hydrogen atoms with 'H,' and oxygen atoms with 'O.'

Since butyric acid has a four-carbon chain, we place four black spheres (representing carbon atoms) in a row. The first carbon atom is attached to the carbonyl group (COO) and has three white spheres (hydrogen atoms) attached to it. The remaining three carbon atoms in the chain each have two white spheres attached to them.

Therefore, the molecular formula of butyric acid is:
