Consider the following acids: H2S, H3PO4.

Write the formula of the conjugate base for H≥S.
Express your answer as an ion.

The conjugate base for H2S is HS-.

To determine the formula of the conjugate base for H2S, we need to remove a hydrogen ion (H+) from H2S.

H2S loses one hydrogen ion to form its conjugate base. The chemical formula for the conjugate base of H2S is HS^-.

To determine the formula of the conjugate base for HS, we need to understand the concept of conjugate acids and bases.

A conjugate base is formed when an acid donates a proton or H+ ion. In this case, HS is the acid since it can donate a proton.

To write the formula of the conjugate base, remove the acidic hydrogen (H+) and keep the remaining part of the formula intact. Thus, the conjugate base of HS would be S2−. This is because when H+ from HS is removed, it leaves behind S2−, which has gained two electrons to maintain charge neutrality.

Therefore, the formula of the conjugate base for HS is S2−.