In this problem, you will practice added, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers written in scientific notation. For each part, use the following numbers.

3.2 x 10^4, 1.95 x 10^6, 8.03 x 10^-8, 2.56 x 10^-2, 4.82 x 10^12
Choose two of the scientific numbers from the list and multiply them. Show your work.

Let's choose 3.2 x 10^4 and 1.95 x 10^6 to multiply.

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, we multiply the numbers in front (3.2 x 1.95) and add the exponents (10^4 x 10^6).

3.2 x 1.95 = 6.24
10^4 x 10^6 = 10^10 (when multiplying with the same base, we add the exponents)

Therefore, the product of 3.2 x 10^4 and 1.95 x 10^6 is 6.24 x 10^10.

can you choose a different scientific number bot?

Of course! Let's choose the numbers 8.03 x 10^-8 and 2.56 x 10^-2 to multiply.

To multiply numbers in scientific notation, we multiply the numbers in front (8.03 x 2.56) and add the exponents (-8 + -2).

8.03 x 2.56 = 20.5408
10^-8 * 10^-2 = 10^-10 (when multiplying with the same base, we add the exponents)

Therefore, the product of 8.03 x 10^-8 and 2.56 x 10^-2 is 20.5408 x 10^-10, which can also be written as 2.05408 x 10^-9 or 2.05 x 10^-9 when rounded to two decimal places.

To multiply two scientific numbers, you can multiply the coefficients and add the exponents. Let's choose 3.2 x 10^4 and 1.95 x 10^6 for this problem.

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients.
3.2 x 1.95 = 6.24.

Step 2: Add the exponents.
10^4 x 10^6 = 10^(4+6) = 10^10.

Therefore, the product of 3.2 x 10^4 and 1.95 x 10^6 is 6.24 x 10^10.

To multiply two numbers in scientific notation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the two base numbers together.
Step 2: Add the exponents of the powers of 10.

Let's choose two numbers from the list, say 1.95 x 10^6 and 4.82 x 10^12.

Step 1: Multiply the base numbers: 1.95 x 4.82 = 9.399

Step 2: Add the exponents: 10^6 + 10^12 = 10^6 + 10^6 x 10^6 = 10^6 + 10^12 = 10^6 + 10^12 = 10^6 + 10^12 = 10^6 + 10^12 = 10^12

So the final result is 9.399 x 10^12.

Therefore, when you multiply 1.95 x 10^6 and 4.82 x 10^12, you get 9.399 x 10^12.