ow does the human body prevent internal energy levels from becoming too low?(1 point) Responses The nervous system transmits feelings of fullness to the digestive system, which signals metabolism to stop. The nervous system transmits feelings of fullness to the digestive system, which signals metabolism to stop. The digestive system transmits feelings of hunger to the brain, which initiates eating. The digestive system transmits feelings of hunger to the brain, which initiates eating. The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating. The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating. The digestive system transmits feelings of fullness to the nervous system, which signals metabolism to stop.

The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating.

How does the body react to cold temperatures? (1 point) Responses Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis. Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis. You body sweats to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment. You body sweats to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment. Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis. Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis. Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment. Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis.

Which statement describes homeostasis?(1 point) Responses It is how an organism reacts to internal factors. It is how an organism reacts to internal factors. It is a process of maintaining an external state of balance for an organism. It is a process of maintaining an external state of balance for an organism. It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism. It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism. It is how an organism reacts to external factors.

It is a process of maintaining an internal state of balance for an organism.

The correct response is: The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating.

The correct answer is: The brain transmits feelings of hunger to the digestive system, which initiates eating.

To understand how the human body prevents internal energy levels from becoming too low, we need to understand the role of the brain and the digestive system.

1. The brain is responsible for regulating hunger and satiety (feeling of fullness). When the body's energy levels drop, the brain detects this and sends signals to the digestive system, signaling the need to eat.

2. These signals from the brain trigger various responses in the digestive system. For example, the release of hormones like ghrelin can stimulate hunger and increase the desire to eat.

3. Once the individual eats and their energy levels start to rise, the digestive system sends signals back to the brain, signaling a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. This helps to regulate the amount of food consumed and prevent overeating.

In summary, the brain plays a critical role in detecting changes in the body's energy levels and initiating the feeling of hunger, which then prompts the individual to eat. The digestive system, in turn, sends signals back to the brain to indicate when the body has received sufficient energy and needs to stop eating.