choose the best response for this question in hiragana: なんじ にがつ こう に いますか

なんじ にがつ こう に いますか


なんじ にがつ こう に いますか?

(Same question in hiragana)

The best response to this question would be:
14じ にがつ こう に います。
(I am at school at 2 p.m. in April.)

The best response to the question "なんじ にがつ こう に いますか" would be:

「3じ にがつ こう に います。」(さんじ にがつ こう に います。)

To get this answer, we need to break down the question and understand the context.

なんじ (何時) means "what time."
にがつ (2月) means "February."
こう (校) means "school."
に (に) is a particle indicating direction or destination.
いますか (いますか) is a question form of the verb いる (to be/exist).

So the question is asking, "What time are you at the school in February?"

To answer, we provide a specific time (3じ, meaning "at 3 o'clock") and confirm that we're at the school in February (にがつ こうに います). This gives us the complete and appropriate response: 「3じ にがつ こう に います。」(さんじ にがつ こう に います。)