What is the place value of 4 and 9 in 45293?

The place value of the digit 4 in 45293 is thousands (4,000) and the place value of the digit 9 is ones (9).

To determine the place value of a digit in a number, you look at its position from the right side of the number. In the number 45293:

- The digit 4 is in the ten thousands place, which represents 40,000.
- The digit 9 is in the units place, which represents 9.

So, the place value of 4 is 40,000, and the place value of 9 is 9.

In order to determine the place value of the digits 4 and 9 in the number 45293, we need to understand the concept of place value.

Place value refers to the value of a digit based on its position in a number. It helps us understand the relative value of each digit in a multi-digit number.

In the number 45293, each digit has a specific place value. Let's break it down:

The digit 4 is in the thousands place. This means that it represents 4,000 in the number.

The digit 5 is in the hundreds place. It represents 500.

The digit 2 is in the tens place, so it represents 20.

The digit 9 is in the ones place. This means that it represents 9.

Therefore, the place value of the digit 4 in 45293 is 4,000 and the place value of the digit 9 is 9.