Solve the inequality: -2(2x - 4) ≤ 4(2 - x).(1 point) Responses x ≤ 0 x ≤ 0 x ≤ 4 x ≤ 4 x ≤ 8 x ≤ 8 All Real Numbers All Real Numbers No Solution

Expanding both sides of the inequality, we have:

-4x + 8 ≤ 8 - 4x.

Now let's simplify the inequality:
-4x + 8 ≤ -4x + 8.

The two sides of the inequality are equal, so this inequality holds for all real numbers. The correct answer is: All Real Numbers.

To solve the inequality -2(2x - 4) ≤ 4(2 - x), let's start by simplifying both sides:

-2(2x - 4) ≤ 4(2 - x)

Simplifying the left side:

-2(2x - 4) = -4x + 8

Simplifying the right side:

4(2 - x) = 8 - 4x

Now we can rewrite the inequality:

-4x + 8 ≤ 8 - 4x

-4x + 4x ≤ 8 - 8

0 ≤ 0

The inequality 0 ≤ 0 is always true, which means that the solution to the original inequality is all real numbers.

Therefore, the correct response is: All Real Numbers.

To solve the inequality -2(2x - 4) ≤ 4(2 - x), we can start by distributing the factors on both sides of the inequality:

-4x + 8 ≤ 8 - 4x

Next, we can simplify the expression by bringing like terms together:

-4x + 4x ≤ 8 - 8

Since the -4x and 4x terms cancel each other out, we are left with:

0 ≤ 0

This expression is always true, no matter the value of x. Therefore, the solution to the inequality is "All Real Numbers".