Are 24.7 and 20.700 equivalent decimals?

No, 24.7 and 20.700 are not equivalent decimals.

To determine if 24.7 and 20.700 are equivalent decimals, follow these steps:

1. First, compare the whole number parts. In this case, both numbers have 20 as the whole number part, so they match.

2. Next, compare the decimal parts. The decimal part of 24.7 is 0.7, while the decimal part of 20.700 is 0.700.

3. Since 0.7 is equivalent to 0.700, the decimal parts also match.

4. Therefore, 24.7 and 20.700 are equivalent decimals.

To determine if 24.7 and 20.700 are equivalent decimals, we need to compare them. One way to do this is by using place value.

Start by looking at the whole number part of each decimal. In this case, both 24.7 and 20.700 have a whole number part of 24 and 20, respectively.

Next, compare the decimal parts. For 24.7, the decimal part is 0.7, and for 20.700, the decimal part is 0.700.

Since both decimal parts are the same, 0.7 = 0.700, we can say that 24.7 and 20.700 are equivalent decimals.