Write seventy-three and forty-four hundredths as a decimal number.

Seventy-three and forty-four hundredths can be written as 73.44.

To write seventy-three and forty-four hundredths as a decimal number, we combine the whole number part (73) and the decimal part (44 hundredths) together.

The decimal part can be written as 0.44 because 44 hundredths is equal to 44/100, and 44 divided by 100 equals 0.44.

Therefore, seventy-three and forty-four hundredths is written as 73.44 in decimal form.

To write seventy-three and forty-four hundredths as a decimal number, we can combine the whole number part (73) with the decimal part (0.44).

The whole number part is 73, so we write it as it is: 73.

The decimal part is forty-four hundredths, which can be written as 0.44. Here's how we get that:

- The numerator tells us the number of hundredths, which is 44.
- The denominator tells us the place value of hundredths, which is 100.

Dividing 44 by 100 gives us 0.44.

So the decimal representation of seventy-three and forty-four hundredths is 73.44.