Question Investigate how the Chavin gods may have influenced the Inca.(1 point) Responses The Chavin Staff Deity was a forerunner to the Incan Viracocha. The Chavin Staff Deity was a forerunner to the Incan Viracocha. The Chavin Staff Deity inspired Inca to worship the moon. The Chavin Staff Deity inspired Inca to worship the moon. The Chavin Staff Deity was an agricultural god to the Inca. The Chavin Staff Deity was an agricultural god to the Inca. The Chavin Staff Deity inspired the Inca to build an adobe city.

Unfortunately, there is limited available information regarding the specific influence of Chavin gods on the Inca civilization. The responses provided could be hypothetical conjectures based on general knowledge of the Inca religion and the influence of other cultures on the Inca. To provide an accurate and well-supported answer, further research on the topic is necessary.

The Chavin gods may have influenced the Inca in several ways. Firstly, the Chavin Staff Deity was considered a forerunner to the Inca deity Viracocha. This suggests that the Inca may have adopted or adapted certain beliefs or rituals from the Chavin culture.

Additionally, the Chavin Staff Deity inspired the Inca to worship the moon. This connection to lunar worship could have been passed down through generations and influenced Inca religious practices.

Furthermore, the Chavin Staff Deity was associated with agriculture, which suggests that the Inca may have also adopted agricultural practices or beliefs from the Chavin culture.

Lastly, it is speculated that the Chavin Staff Deity may have inspired the Inca to build an adobe city. The significance and symbolism of this deity may have influenced the architectural choices and religious practices of the Inca civilization.

Please note that these are potential influences based on historical evidence and research, and may not be definitive answers.

To investigate how the Chavin gods may have influenced the Inca, we need to examine the similarities and connections between the two cultures. One of the key figures in Chavin mythology is the Chavin Staff Deity, who is believed to be a forerunner to the Incan god known as Viracocha. The Chavin Staff Deity was associated with agricultural fertility and power, and it is believed that this aspect of the deity may have influenced the Inca's own beliefs and practices regarding agriculture.

In addition to this, the Chavin Staff Deity is also believed to have inspired the Inca to worship the moon. The moon was considered an important celestial body in both Chavin and Inca cosmology, and it is possible that the Inca adopted some of the Chavin beliefs and rituals associated with lunar worship.

Furthermore, the Chavin Staff Deity and its influence on the Inca is also said to have played a role in the construction of adobe cities. Chavin civilization was known for its impressive architecture, including the construction of elaborate temples and ceremonial centers made of adobe. This architectural tradition may have inspired the Inca to develop their own unique style of adobe city building.

In summary, the Chavin gods, particularly the Chavin Staff Deity, may have influenced the Inca in several ways. These include inspiring beliefs and practices related to agriculture and lunar worship, as well as influencing the Inca's architectural style, notably in the construction of adobe cities.