Which question can a student ask to determine whether a resource is renewable or nonrenewable?

A. Is the resource available naturally
B. Is there a limited supply of the resource
C. Is the resource available in large quantities
D. Is there a particular use for the resource

B. Is there a limited supply of the resource

The question a student can ask to determine whether a resource is renewable or nonrenewable is:

B. Is there a limited supply of the resource

The student can ask the following question to determine whether a resource is renewable or nonrenewable:

B. Is there a limited supply of the resource?

To answer this question, the student needs to consider the nature of the resource. Renewable resources are those that can be replenished or regenerated at a rate equal to or faster than their rate of consumption. They have an essentially unlimited supply. On the other hand, nonrenewable resources are finite in quantity and cannot be replenished within a human lifespan.

To determine whether a resource has a limited supply, the student can research the availability and extraction rate of the resource. They can look for information on factors such as the resource's rate of formation, extraction methods, and current levels of consumption. Researching scientific articles, reports, or even consulting experts in the field can provide valuable insights into the resource's availability and its likelihood of depletion.