which point of veiw includes personal feelings,opinions, and beliefs?

The point of view that includes personal feelings, opinions, and beliefs is known as the first person point of view.

The point of view that includes personal feelings, opinions, and beliefs is known as the first person point of view. In this perspective, the narrator refers to themselves using pronouns like "I," "me," "my," and "we." It allows the reader to directly experience the thoughts and emotions of the narrator. Keep in mind that the first person point of view may not always provide an objective or unbiased account of events.

The point of view that includes personal feelings, opinions, and beliefs is called the subjective point of view. It is characterized by the expression of individual perspectives, emotions, and judgments.

To identify whether a text or statement is subjective, you can look for certain language cues. Subjective statements often involve words that indicate personal bias or emotion, such as "I believe," "in my opinion," or "it seems to me." These expressions signify that the author or speaker is sharing their personal viewpoint rather than stating a factual or objective statement.

When reading or listening to someone's perspective, it's important to acknowledge the subjective nature of their viewpoint. Understanding that subjective opinions can vary from person to person helps in developing a more comprehensive and balanced understanding of a topic.