Marcus and Jeremy both evaluated the expression - 5 ^ 2 + 3. Marcus said the answer was -22. Jeremy said the answer was 28. Who is correct? Explain the error in the other student's work. The answer is that Marcus is correct can you answer it in 2-3 sentences

Jeremy is incorrect. The correct answer is 28. The error in Marcus's work is that he incorrectly evaluated the exponentiation first, resulting in -5^2 = -25. However, according to the order of operations, the exponentiation should be done after the subtraction, which gives (-5)^2 = 25. Adding 3 to 25 gives the correct answer of 28.

Jeremy is correct. When evaluating an expression with exponents, you perform the exponentiation first, and then the addition. In this case, -5^2 means (-5) squared, which is equal to -5 multiplied by itself, or -5 times -5, which is 25. Adding 3 to 25 gives a final answer of 28. Marcus made an error by not evaluating the exponentiation step correctly.

Marcus is correct. To evaluate the expression, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), which states that exponentiation should be performed before addition. So, we first have - 5 ^ 2, which equals -25, and then we add 3, resulting in -22. Jeremy likely made the mistake of adding before performing the exponentiation, leading to his incorrect answer of 28.