find the square root of 96


The square root of 96 is approximately 9.80.

16^6 is equal to 1,073,741,824.
4^6 is equal to 4,096.
24 does not have an exponent mentioned, so it remains as 24.
6^4 is equal to 1,296.

find the square root of 96 . 1 pts

1. 16^6
3. 24
4. 6^4

The square root of 96 is not one of the options given. However, the square root of 96 is approximately 9.80.

can you find a way to answer with the options?

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Let's find a way to answer using the given options:

The square root of 96 is not equal to any of the given options.

can you find a solution?


To find the square root of 96, we can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually.

Using a calculator, we find that the square root of 96 is approximately 9.7979589711327.

If you would like to perform the calculation manually, we can use the following steps:

1. Start by guessing a number, let's say 10.

2. Divide 96 by 10: 96/10 = 9.6.

3. Average 10 and 9.6: (10 + 9.6) / 2 = 9.8.

4. Square 9.8: 9.8 * 9.8 = 96.04.

5. Since 96.04 is close to 96, we reduce our guess to 9.8.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 using 9.8 instead of 10.

By repeating these steps a few more times, you will get increasingly accurate approximations for the square root of 96.