Which of the following is the main purpose of a dictionary? (1 point)

to provide a list of synonyms and antonyms for words

Oto provide definitions and pronunciation of words

O to provide a list of words in alphabetical order

O to provide information about technical words related to a text

to provide definitions and pronunciation of words

The main purpose of a dictionary is to provide definitions and pronunciation of words.

The main purpose of a dictionary is to provide definitions and pronunciation of words.

To find the answer to this question, we can look at the options provided and select the one that best aligns with the common usage and function of a dictionary.

Option A, "to provide a list of synonyms and antonyms for words," is not the main purpose of a dictionary. While some dictionaries may list synonyms and antonyms, their primary function is to provide definitions and pronunciation of words.

Option B, "to provide definitions and pronunciation of words," accurately describes the main purpose of a dictionary. Dictionaries are widely used as reference books to learn the meaning and correct pronunciation of words.

Option C, "to provide a list of words in alphabetical order," is not the main purpose of a dictionary. While dictionaries do typically organize words in alphabetical order, this is a secondary feature to aid in looking up words.

Option D, "to provide information about technical words related to a text," is not the main purpose of a dictionary. While some specialized dictionaries may focus on technical or specialized terminology, the main purpose of a general dictionary is to provide definitions and pronunciation of words.