What does a hieroglyphic writing system use instead of alphabetic letters

A hieroglyphic writing system uses pictorial symbols or signs to represent words or sounds rather than the alphabetic letters used in modern writing systems.

A hieroglyphic writing system uses pictorial symbols or images called hieroglyphs instead of alphabetic letters. Hieroglyphs represent words, sounds, or ideas in the ancient Egyptian language. These hieroglyphs are typically composed of simple and complex images of animals, plants, objects, and human figures. The symbols can be written in various directions, including left to right, right to left, or top to bottom.

A hieroglyphic writing system uses pictorial symbols, called hieroglyphs, instead of alphabetic letters. Each hieroglyph represents a word or a sound and is usually depicted as a recognizable object or a combination of objects. Hieroglyphs were used in ancient Egypt, primarily for religious and monumental inscriptions on temple walls, tombs, and public structures.

To decipher and understand hieroglyphic texts, Egyptologists use several techniques:

1. Decoding: Firstly, Egyptologists rely on known translations of hieroglyphs to understand the meanings of certain symbols or combinations. They study ancient Egyptian documents, such as the Rosetta Stone, which provided a key to deciphering hieroglyphs.

2. Phonetic Complementation: Hieroglyphs can represent both whole words and individual sounds. Egyptologists often use phonetic complements along with logograms (symbols representing complete words) to find clues for pronunciation.

3. Determinatives: Some hieroglyphic symbols are "determinatives" that convey the broader category or meaning of a word. For example, a determinative of a plant could indicate that the following hieroglyph represents a specific type of plant.

4. Contextual Analysis: Egyptologists analyze the surrounding context of hieroglyphs to decipher their meaning. By examining the surrounding glyphs and understanding the grammar and syntax of ancient Egyptian language, they can determine the intended message.

It's important to note that hieroglyphic writing was challenging to decipher initially because it wasn't used in day-to-day writing but primarily in monumental inscriptions. However, through perseverance and the help of ancient bilingual texts like the Rosetta Stone, scholars were eventually able to unravel the meanings of hieroglyphs and gain a better understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and history.