Select all the correct answers.

Select the three ways to determine if a site is credible.

Repost it to your own story to see others' reactions.
Check if other sources mention the story.
Evaluate the professionalism of the website.
Check the author of the post.
Check with an older friend or relative.

Check if other sources mention the story.

Evaluate the professionalism of the website.
Check the author of the post.

The correct answers are:

1. Check if other sources mention the story.
2. Evaluate the professionalism of the website.
3. Check the author of the post.

To determine if a site is credible, you should consider the following factors:

1. Check if other sources mention the story: One way to determine the credibility of a website is to see if other reputable sources also mention the same information. If multiple trustworthy sources report the same story, it adds credibility to the website in question.

2. Evaluate the professionalism of the website: Look for signs of professionalism on the website such as well-written content, proper grammar and spelling, accurate information, and an overall polished appearance. A credible website would likely invest in maintaining a professional online presence.

3. Check the author of the post: Investigate the qualifications and expertise of the author. Look for their credentials, background, or any relevant experience that establishes their authority on the subject matter. If the author is reputable and knowledgeable in their field, it adds credibility to the website.

Therefore, the correct answers would be:

- Check if other sources mention the story.
- Evaluate the professionalism of the website.
- Check the author of the post.