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What's the easiest way that Zainab can help her technology-averse father read the news online?

Zainab's father has trouble remembering website URLs and is not very good at using search engines. The only apps on his phone he uses regularly are the messaging and mail apps. He also isn't especially interested in interacting with other people. The easiest way Zainab could ensure that her father receives the news is by setting up a(n)

The easiest way Zainab could ensure that her father receives the news is by setting up a news subscription via email.

The easiest way Zainab could ensure that her father receives the news is by setting up a news aggregator app via the app store.

The easiest way for Zainab to help her technology-averse father read the news online, considering his preferences and limitations, would be to set up a news delivery service via email. This means that Zainab can find a news website or platform that offers email subscriptions, where the latest news articles or updates can be sent directly to her father's email address. This method eliminates the need for her father to remember website URLs or use search engines. Instead, he can simply check his email, which is a familiar and easily accessible app on his phone. Additionally, since her father is not interested in interacting with other people, this option ensures that he can consume the news at his own pace without any required interaction or participation.