The utility that a consumer obtains by consuming goods A and B is given by U .

A With the assumption that , and Y = 100, calculate the optimal and .
B Determine the at the optimum level.

To determine the optimal levels of goods A and B, we need more information about the utility function. The given information states that the utility is given by U, but we need the specific formula or equation for U in order to maximize it.

Additionally, the information provided does not include any values or equations related to the satisfaction level at the optimum level, so we cannot calculate that either.

Please provide more details or information in order to solve the problem.

To determine the optimal consumption of goods A and B, we need more information such as the utility function U and the budget constraint.

To calculate the optimal levels of goods A and B and the utility at the optimum level, we need more information. Specifically, we need the utility function, the prices of goods A and B, and any constraints on the consumer's budget.

Assuming that you have the necessary information, we can solve this problem using the concept of consumer optimization. Here are the steps:

1. Formulate the utility function: The utility function, denoted as U(A, B), represents the consumer's preferences for consuming goods A and B. It can take different functional forms, such as U(A, B) = A^0.5 * B^0.8.

2. Determine the budget constraint: The consumer's budget constraint depends on the prices of goods A and B and the consumer's income. Let's assume the price of good A is P(A) and the price of good B is P(B). The budget constraint can be expressed as P(A) * A + P(B) * B = Y, where Y represents the consumer's income (given as 100 in this case).

3. Define the consumer's optimization problem: The consumer wants to maximize their utility subject to the budget constraint. Mathematically, this can be written as: Maximize U(A, B) subject to P(A) * A + P(B) * B = Y.

4. Solve the optimization problem: To find the optimal levels of goods A and B, you can use optimization techniques such as Lagrange multipliers or substitution methods. Without the specific form of the utility function, it is not possible to provide an exact solution.

Once you have solved the optimization problem and found the optimal levels of goods A and B (denoted as A* and B*), you can calculate the utility at the optimum level by plugging A* and B* into the utility function.

In summary, to calculate the optimal levels of goods A and B and the utility at the optimum level, you need to know the utility function, the prices of goods A and B, and the consumer's income or budget constraint. By solving the optimization problem, you can find the optimal levels and determine the associated utility.