Schuyler is making a list of the parts of a computer that are software. Which of the following will be on the list?

the speakers
a thumb drive
the keyboard
web browser

Corinne is taking a chemistry class in college. A lab assignment ask students to track the melting point of 10 different substances. For each one, they have to test it five different times. Which of the following kinds of software would be most useful for recording that data?
a spreadsheet
word processing software
presentation software
a messaging app

Which of the following is an application software?
an anti-virus program
the operating system
the keyboard
a messaging app

Which of the following is most useful for doing research?
word processing software
presentation software
a web browser
a messaging app

Evan is looking to borrow a friend's laptop to check out some music that he has downloaded. What file extension can Evan look for to quickly identify music files?

Reggie is writing a paper on his school laptop for history class. What does Reggie need to create in order to save the document and work on it later?
a file
a spreadsheet
an app
Systems software

Which of the following is an example of system software?
photo editing software
the operating system
a messaging app
a web browser

Robin wants to make a list of all of the software on a laptop. Which of the following should be left off of the list?
a program that edits photos
the camera on the laptop
an app for sharing photos
a program that organizes photos

Rowan bought a new laptop. What will protect the computer from viruses?
application software
up-to-date hardware
a new camera
system software

Rickie gets a message from the school's tech support department. His computer is supposed to be running the latest system software to protect the network from hacking. Which of the following should Rickie update?
the web browser
the operating system
the social media platform
the music editing software

Ashley works for a company that helps hospitals hire new doctors. They have a written list of strategies that can be used to interview doctors. Ashley wants to give a digital copy of this list to her supervisor to review. Which of the following should be given to her supervisor?
application software
systems software
a file

Sam is conducting research for a school project on the American Revolution. Which of the following kinds of software will help with research notes?
music editing software
word processing software
presentation software

Li is trying to locate a PDF file on a thumb drive with a lot of other files on it. What could Li look at to help him find the file?
a web browser
the file extension
the file abbreviation
the file derivative

the file extension

On the list of parts of a computer that are software, the following would be included:

- The web browser

For recording data on the melting point of substances, the most useful kind of software would be:
- A spreadsheet

An example of an application software is:
- A messaging app

The most useful software for doing research is:
- A web browser

To identify music files, Evan can look for the file extension:
- MP3

Reggie needs to create a file in order to save his document and work on it later.

An example of system software is:
- The operating system

For Robin's list of software, the camera on the laptop should be left off.

To protect the computer from viruses, Rowan needs system software.

Rickie should update the operating system to protect the network from hacking.

To give a digital copy of the list to her supervisor, Ashley should give a file.

For research notes, Sam can use word processing software.

To locate a PDF file on a thumb drive, Li can look at the file extension.

1. Schuyler is making a list of the parts of a computer that are software. To determine which options will be on the list, we need to understand what software is. Software refers to the programs, applications, and operating systems that run on a computer. It is intangible and can be installed and executed on a computer. From the given options, the software parts of a computer would be the web browser.

2. Corinne is tasked with recording data for a chemistry lab assignment. To efficiently record and organize data, she would need software that can handle data input and manipulation. From the given options, the most useful software for this purpose would be a spreadsheet program. Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows and columns, perform calculations, and analyze data.

3. Application software refers to programs designed to perform specific tasks or applications. It is the software that users interact with directly to accomplish their desired functions. From the given options, an application software would be a messaging app. Messaging apps are used for communication and sending messages between users.

4. When it comes to conducting research, the most useful software would be a web browser. A web browser allows access to the internet, enabling users to search for and access vast amounts of information and resources.

5. To identify music files quickly on a laptop, Evan can look for the ".mp3" file extension. The MP3 file format is commonly used for storing audio files, such as music.

6. Reggie needs to create a file in order to save his document and work on it later. A file is a named collection of data stored on a computer. In this case, Reggie would need to save his document as a file to access and edit it later.

7. System software refers to the software that enables the computer's hardware to function and coordinates the activities of other software. From the given options, the operating system would be an example of system software.

8. Robin wants to make a list of all the software on a laptop. The camera on the laptop, being a hardware component, should be left off the list. Software refers to programs and applications, while hardware refers to physical components of the computer.

9. To protect a computer from viruses, Evan would need application software specifically designed for this purpose, such as an anti-virus program. Anti-virus programs scan for, detect, and remove viruses and other malicious software.

10. Rickie is advised to update the operating system. The operating system is the primary software that manages computer resources, provides user interface, and enables the execution of other software. Keeping the operating system updated ensures improved security and performance.

11. To give a digital copy of the list of interview strategies to her supervisor, Ashley would need to share a file. A file is an electronic container for storing data, documents, or other information.

12. Sam can use word processing software for research notes. Word processing software allows users to create, edit, and format text documents, making it suitable for taking and organizing research notes.

13. To locate a specific PDF file on a thumb drive, Li could look at the file extension. The file extension is a few characters at the end of a filename, usually denoting the file type. In this case, looking for files with the ".pdf" file extension would help identify PDF files.