Talmai has just received his first paycheck. He earned $450 for the hours that he worked. However, $51.75 was taken out in state and federal taxes. His employer also deducted $43.85 for the cost of his health insurance. What is his net pay?





His net pay is $450 - $51.75 - $43.85 = $354.40

The correct answer is C. $354.40

To calculate Talmai's net pay, we need to subtract the deductions from his gross pay.

Gross pay = $450
Deductions = $51.75 (taxes) + $43.85 (health insurance) = $95.60

Net pay = Gross pay - Deductions
Net pay = $450 - $95.60
Net pay = $354.40

Therefore, Talmai's net pay is $354.40.
The correct answer is C. $354.40.

To find Talmai's net pay, we need to subtract the deductions from his gross pay.

First, we subtract the state and federal taxes from his gross pay:
$450 - $51.75 = $398.25

Then, we subtract the cost of his health insurance:
$398.25 - $43.85 = $354.40

Therefore, Talmai's net pay is $354.40.

So, the correct answer is C. $354.40.