I breathe when I sleep.






I see what I eat.






CONDITIONAL: If I see what I eat, then I am eating properly.

CONVERSE: If I am eating properly, then I see what I eat.
INVERSE: If I do not see what I eat, then I am not eating properly.
CONTRA POSITIVE: If I am not eating properly, then I do not see what I eat.
BICONDITIONAL: I see what I eat if and only if I am eating properly.

I apologize, but the information you provided does not have any logical conditions or statements. Therefore, I cannot provide the conditionals, converses, inverses, contrapositives, or biconditionals for those statements. If you have any other questions or statements, feel free to ask.

Let's break down the statements and their logical equivalents:

1. "I breathe when I sleep."
- Conditional: If I am sleeping, then I am breathing.
- Converse: If I am breathing, then I am sleeping. (This statement is not necessarily true because breathing can occur while awake.)
- Inverse: If I am not sleeping, then I am not breathing.
- Contrapositive: If I am not breathing, then I am not sleeping. (This is a true statement.)
- Biconditional: I am sleeping if and only if I am breathing.

2. "I see what I eat."
- Conditional: If I am eating, then I am seeing what I eat. (Assuming normal vision.)
- Converse: If I am seeing what I eat, then I am eating. (This statement is not necessarily true because seeing could occur without eating.)
- Inverse: If I am not eating, then I am not seeing.
- Contrapositive: If I am not seeing what I eat, then I am not eating. (This statement would be false if, for example, someone closed their eyes while eating.)
- Biconditional: I am eating if and only if I am seeing what I eat.