hat word indicates a literal meaning?

A connotation

B denotation

C tone

D analogy

B) denotation

The word that indicates a literal meaning is B) denotation. Denotation refers to the actual dictionary definition or surface meaning of a word, without any additional interpretations or associations.

The word that indicates a literal meaning is B) denotation. Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, without any additional layers of meaning or association. It is the objective and straightforward definition of a word, separate from any connotations or symbolic meanings it may have.

To find the answer to this question, you can break down the options provided and identify the correct definition. In this case, understanding the meanings of each term can help you select the correct word. In this context, "connotation" refers to the emotional or cultural associations of a word, "tone" refers to the attitude or mood conveyed by a piece of writing, and "analogy" refers to a comparison between two things. By comparing these definitions to the term "literal meaning," you can identify that "denotation" is the most appropriate choice for indicating the literal definition of a word.